Jim Knowles appointed to the New Zealand Extractives Industry Advisory Group (EIAG)

In April Jim Knowles was appointed the newly established NZ Extractives Industry Advisory Group.

The Group has been set up in response the Pike River Coal Mine Tragedy in November 2010. It will support a new set of mining health and safety regulations and a number of amendments to the Health and Safety in Employment Act, which together create a new regulatory framework for health and safety in the extractives industry in NZ.  The new framework came into force on 16 December 2013.

The EIAG will provide advice to the newly created WorkSafe Board on the following matters:

i.  The effectiveness of the new regulatory framework (including primary legislation regulations, codes of practice and other guidance, and competency requirements)

ii.  The effectiveness of the regulator in administering and enforcing the new framework

iii.  Specific aspects of the regime, such as emergency preparedness and response, the Board of Examiners/training and qualifications issues and other issues as appropriate

iv.  Health and safety trends in the sector, both in New Zealand and overseas and how WorkSafe can ensure that it responds appropriately to emerging health and safety issues and future developments in the extractives sector

v.  Other extractives sector-related matters as the Board may agree from time to time.

The Advisory Group will also be expected to act as a conduit between WorkSafe and industry players in such areas as getting health and safety messages out into the workplace; seeking out world-wide best-practice; reviewing incident / injury trends and implementing appropriate responses in agreement with the regulator and relevant industry bodies.

Gavin Taylors has been appointment as an external independent Chair.

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